Biospecimens from the Rancho Bernardo Study of Healthy Aging
Information and Application Form (Available to UC San Diego Researchers Only)

The Rancho Bernardo Study of Healthy Aging (RBS) is a community-based longitudinal cohort study initiated by Dr. Elizabeth Barrett Connor in 1972-74. Data from 11 study visits and 32 mailers over a 45-year time period are available for research use and can be freely accessed from the website:

Available data include longitudinal assessment of multiple health measures, with a particular focus on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and bone health, as well as repeated assessments of health behaviors, cognitive function, sensory function, physical function. Death certificates have been obtained for approximately 90% of decedents (as of 2019), and ICD 9 codes for cause of death are available on the website. Detailed information on the available measures and data collection methods are described on the website.

The RBS also has a limited biorepository of longitudinal serum, plasma, and urine samples; with whole blood available for a subset of participants. These samples are available to UC San Diego faculty and academics for research use. The figure and table below provide a high-level overview of the data and samples available. A variety of traditional and novel biomarkers have been measured in the past using RBS samples; these data are available on the website under the clinical labs, biomarkers, and genotypes data group. Existing archived biospecimens can be used to assess other established or novel biomarkers, as well as environmental exposures. We request that data generated from supplied samples be returned to us for sharing on our website.

To apply for access to the samples, please complete the form below. A recharge fee will apply to cover costs of pulling samples. Your request will be reviewed by the RBS Biorepository committee. You will receive the committee’s response via  the email you provided. It may take up to four weeks. For further information on the samples available please contact Chris Pruitt, RBS Biorepository Manager,
General Sample Availability by Visit
Visit # Years Total N Serum Plasma Whole blood* Urine
5 1988-92 2208 X X (H/E+) -- X
7 1992-96 1777 -- X (E) 498 X
8 1997-99 1096 X X (E/H) -- X
9 1999-02 1139 X X (E) -- X
10 2003-06 869 X X (E) 826 X
12 2014-16 191 X X (E) 178 X
X = samples available for most visit participants, -- = not available.
H = heparin plasma, E = EDTA plasma.
*n=~1050 participants have 1 or more whole blood samples stored from visits 7, 10 and/or 12.
+ EDTA plasma available on a subset of about 485 participants at visit 5; heparin plasma is available for most V5 participants.
Samples may not be available for all participants at a visit; and tubes may not contain sufficient volume for use. Availability of participant samples, and volume of sample, can only be verified at the time of sample pull for funded studies.
RBS Data Archive and Biorepository Timeline

RBS Contacts: Gail Laughlin, PhD, (, Linda McEvoy, PhD, (, and Donna Kritz-Silverstein, PhD, ( are available on a limited basis for consultation on the RBS data and biorepository. 
Overview of specific data available in the RBS Archive. These lists are not exhaustive.