ICU Delirium Playbook


Delirium, a syndrome of acute brain dysfunction, is a dangerous problem that commonly affects critically ill patients. To detect delirium, the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) recommends that ICU patients undergo daily screening using validated tools like the Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU). Though the CAM-ICU is free to use, can be administered quickly (<2 minutes), and requires no equipment, many ICU providers report receiving little to no formal delirium detection education.

To address this knowledge gap, our interdisciplinary team at UC San Diego Health developed this first-of-its-kind “ICU Delirium Playbook” to provide high-level ICU delirium detection and prevention education to providers worldwide. This version includes 8 videos, a validated quiz and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.

After you complete the ICU Delirium Playbook, we would appreciate your feedback! A survey link is provided at the end of module.

Questions? Interested in participating in delirium improvement efforts? Contact Biren Kamdar, MD, MBA, MHS at 

Funding support for this effort is provided by an NIH/NIA Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders Career Developing Award in Aging (K76 AG059936, PI Kamdar)


  1. CAM-ICU © 2002, E. Wesley Ely, MD, MPH and Vanderbilt University, all rights reserved
  2. Outcomes After Critical Illness and Surgery (OACIS) RASS & CAM-ICU Quiz (2002). Available at
  3. Biren B Kamdar, Hirsh Makhija, Shannon A Cotton, Janelle M Fine, Daniel Pollack, Paola Alicea Reyes, Francesca Novelli, Atul Malhotra, Dale M Needham, Jennifer L Martin. Development and Evaluation of an ICU Delirium Video Series to Educate Staff on Delirium Detection. ATS Scholar. 2022;3(4):535-547. Published 2022 Sep 23.
  4. Hirsh Makhija, Janelle M Fine, Daniel Pollack, Francesca Novelli, Judith E Davidson, Shannon A Cotton, Bianca Diaz De Leon, Paola Alicea Reyes, Jessica L Montoya, Carmen Mabel Arroyo-Novoa, Milagro I Figueroa-Ramos, Yeonsu Song, Ana Lucia Fuentes, Jamie N LaBuzetta, Alison A Moore, E Wesley Ely, Atul Malhotra, Dale M Needham, Jennifer L Martin, Biren B Kamdar. Development and Validation of an ICU Delirium Playbook for Provider Education. Critical Care Explorations. 2023;5(7):e0939. Published 2023 July.